Sunday, March 21, 2010

I find politics is boring nowadays...

For some reason that I can't explain, I find myself not fond of politics nowadays, I do not know the reasons, but what I can say is, you look at my blog and you see nothing is updated on politics...

But there some things that I must share with all of those who still read my blog. I have been so busy doing things, where I have motive behind it, when it is bad, I find myself prevented to achieve any success that can be measured monetarily. All what I get are only values, which I don't really know whether it is good for me or bad.

I must also say that I am at the crossroad of my life, I know that they are many things that I must choose, but somehow, I am unable to make the choice, even if I know a choice is right - most of the time, I do not have the courage to do so, and when I have the courage to make that choice, it is already too late.

That is why, I am writing now, to ask favor from all who can help, family and friends, I need support, I am not strong and I take what people say seriously. So, if anyone out there who can help me, any kind of help, I welcome you and I'll very happy to consider.

I don't know what is happening to me...